Hello. My name is Mathew. I’m a sensitive, a writer, a sometimes channeler, and a film and television producer. Welcome to my blog, The Life Intended — a collection of my channeled messages.

My Shocking Introduction to the World of Spirit

Back in the early ’80’s, I entered adulthood with absolutely no interest in spirituality or religion, enamored with science, and highly skeptical about anything that couldn’t be proven. But all of that changed between the ages of 21 and 23  when three incredible spirit encounters within a two year period radically altered my perspective.

In the first incident, an experiment with automatic writing led to an undeniable and somewhat spooky encounter with a ghost.

In the second,  an unexpected emotional breakdown progressed into a high fever and a visitation from a spirit being I later identified as the Grim Reaper.

In the third, a miraculous face-to-face encounter with Jesus left me with an altered understanding about life and the meaning of love.

Perhaps this all sounds a little too incredible to be true? I confess, during the second and third encounter, my family thought I was suffering from mental illness. And yet, life went back to normal after I met Jesus, and no other episodes of “crazy” happened for twenty years. Consequently, I carried on with my life as best I could. However, during that time I had to contend with chronic depression that began out-of-the-blue after my first spirit encounter, and persisted for several decades.

A Painfully Long Dark Night of The Soul

As the years rolled by, I made advancements in my career, got married, and started a family. At the same time, depression plagued me (and grew more pronounced) while I constantly wondered, why did Jesus make himself known to me?  Was there something I was supposed to do with that message that Jesus had shared with me? I had no idea. So, I simply put my nose to the grindstone and got on with my life while I did my best to cope with depression.

Help On The Way

Thankfully, after 15 years of struggle, a breakthrough occurred one day when I accidentally discovered my Higher Self. Having kept a journal since my first ghost incident back in 1982, it had never occurred to me to review my journals. But one day, in 1999, something compelled me to search for answers by reading through my journals, and that’s when I discovered that my subconscious mind seemed to have a point-of-view that presented itself  whenever I had written in the past using stream-of-consciousness — essentially, an exercise where I quickly wrote down, without judgement or censorship, anything and everything that rolled off my mind.

For the next two years, although I wasn’t the clearest channel, I continued to communicate with my Higher Self using stream-of-consciousness until one day a second breakthrough occurred: the introduction of my spirit guide, Zorgon — a being that identified himself as an ET.  At first, I thought my subconscious mind had made him up. But over time, Zorgon revealed information about things I had no prior knowledge of; things I was able to confirm on the internet. More importantly, one day it dawned on me that Zorgon’s point-of-view was completely different and foreign from my own. Thus, I accepted that Zorgon was definitely not a creation of my subconscious mind.

About a year later, in 2003, following a channeling session in which I asked Zorgon questions about angels (at the time I thought that angels and guides were the same thing), a third breakthrough occurred when Zorgon introduced me to my guardian angel, Michael.

From that moment on, spiritual guidance took a leap forward while I also experienced several breakthroughs (or awakenings if you will). Namely, I was encouraged to follow my heart, to be the most loving and present person I could be, and to do so without expectation of outcome or return — which, by the way, is much easier said than done! 🙂

A Cautionary Tale

During that time in my life, for a period of three intense months, I was grateful for Zorgon’s (and later, Michael’s) daily guidance as lessons on the subject of love and God’s Will were welcome in light of the depression I’d been living with for so many years. As that three month period came to an end, Michael casually mentioned that sensitivity to spirit beings was both a blessing and a vulnerability.

I hadn’t a clue what he meant.

But within a matter of days, after a shocking encounter with a negative spirit being (also referred to in this blog as a dark being, or dark forces), I began to understand. I also began to understand that lessons on love (lessons that usually involve some from of cleansing, purification, reconnection, or disentanglement — in general, awakening), were far from easy, and not without opposition and struggle from dark beings.

Enter The Guardians

Years later, in 2006 I was surprised to channel a source that identified itself as “The Guardians of the Light.” (Later, just “The Guardians.”) This source came thru sporadically at first. But by early 2008, The Guardians had become my primary source.

To Sum Things Up

To say the least, it’s been a long, fascinating, and difficult journey. However, in spite of the hardships, if I could go back in time and change anything, I wouldn’t change a thing. Because I know, deep down, that if it were not for the challenges, and my sensitivity, and my desire to know the truth, I would never have married my incredible wife, and had the three beautiful children we have, and discovered that spirit is real, and know that a meaningful personal relationship can be nurtured and developed with our guides and angels, and know that the heart is so much more than a physical pump that circulates blood.

Blessings and Namaste,


For my very first post of channeled messages, click on this link.

2 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hello Matthew and finally some way to communicate with you. I am VERY NEW to blogs..and think I just created one in order to get here. Well, never mind…Nothing is an accident. I have stumbled onto the Path in 2004 although I have been destined for this way long ago. I do have some questions for your channeling and hope I can find my way back here for the answers. Is it possible that it is true that I have no negativity within? That this feeling of clearness, of being open to all is true and honest? And if so, then why me? I feel like I am meant for something more, being prepared for something more to come and like so many others, I desire to know why it is me? I have not had a vision or clear experience with anything like you have. I do not see or sense guides of spirit. Yes, I have encountered humans to whom I am grateful for all the pain and joy they may have brought me. Can your guides tell me anything about what I need to do next?
    thank you so much, Jeanne

  2. Hi Jeanne, Thanks so much for dropping by and thanks for your question. Unfortunately, I am not comfortable asking The Guardians to respond since you have not provided me with your full name, email address and location (i.e name of town or city where you reside). Nevertheless, I would like to respond from my own experience by saying that if you are truly clear of negativity (which you very well might be), then no matter what life presents to you, you will find it effortless to stay true to your heart and to your highest excitement, and as you do, you will be guided to live at all times in accordance with your highest life’s purpose. As for the question of “Why me?”, from my experience, this has proven to be a question for which no satisfactory answers are found, and as such, my best advice is that whenever you feel yourself wondering “Why me?”, simply respond by saying “Why not me?” or “If not me, then who?” — and do your best to carry on without concern.

    God Bless and Namaste

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