Dear Ones,

We may not have the perfect words at this time to satisfy your desire for answers, but we can tell you this:

Humanity is moving towards an awakening in unprecedented numbers.

As the world shifts into greater and greater levels of fear and control, more and more are seeing the effects of the manipulation that is happening and are stepping into their true power.

This is monumental.

This is the perfect outcome for the tyranny that has been foisted upon a largely unwitting population. The very purpose of this manipulation was to enact greater control. And those tactics are instead creating pockets of resistance that are growing and evolving into something greater than the sum of their parts.

Dear Ones, let us not forget, you are so much more than you give yourself credit for. You are powerful creator beings, temporarily in form to learn about the illusion of separation, and all that this illusion entails. And you are doing a wonderful job.

Now, as many of you move into a new phase of this learning, you have only just begun to overcome the obstacles that have been plaguing you for centuries. These are not new obstacles. The same old antagonists have been at it since the dawn of mankind. They are only now coming to the forefront because the end of an immense epoch is upon you. These antagonists have been thorough in their exploration into the ways in which humanity can be manipulated and controlled. No stones have been left unturned.

However, as you wake up and begin to see the lies and deceit for what they are and for what they always have been, the antagonists have become weakened. Their power structures have begun to crumble under the weight of truth, and under the weight of a population who no longer accepts everything it is told by their governments and the media.

Dear Ones, you have come very far, and will continue to make huge strides as the antagonists pull out the final stops. Having enjoyed free reign over an unwitting population for so many centuries, they will not give up their stronghold and the fulfillment of their desires so easily. They will naturally do everything in their power to coerce you back into a state of tacit acceptance. If they can scare you into obedience, they will do so at all costs. And that is indeed their plan. Fear has been their weapon of choice throughout the millennia, and it is their weapon of choice today. Therefore, all that remains for you to do, is to stay centered in Love. Do not succumb to fear. Do not accept their proclamations as true.

But be prepared, as you step out from the comfort of silence, you will be faced with an all-out war of words. You will be denounced, ridiculed, berated, insulted, mocked and humiliated as you stand up for your rights and your truth. This is all part of the plan. The media will help fan the flames of hatred and aggression, but the groups of truth-seekers that form in the midst of this hatred will sustain you and nourish you as you hold onto your values and trust your intuitive nature.

You are not alone, Dear Ones. You have never been alone. Know that, and you will be led to like-minded, awakening individuals who will assist you in staying strong throughout these tumultuous times. And if you so choose, a myriad of spirit souls will assist you. They are there for your support and know the difference between support and dependency. All that is required of you is to ask for their help.

Also, Dear Ones, know and accept that it’s okay if you falter. No one is perfect. We are all here to learn and to grow, and doing so requires making mistakes and errors in judgement – faltering if you will. This is a natural consequence of life. It is not something to be ashamed of. Recognize your missteps for what they were and what they are, and correct your course. Apologize when and where you feel led to do so, and move on. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes.

Just remember, no matter what you experience, Love is the cornerstone of creation. You were created in Love, and you will succeed in your efforts by leaning in to Love. Love is only way through to the other side of something that is not Love. Love will always navigate you back to your origin point. Love is the compass that returns you to the place you yearn to be, where all of us yearn to be at all times. Lean in to that Love, and you will find your way.


The Guardians (through Mathew Hart)

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