Dear Ones,
It is a real conundrum to wake up one day and realize that your life is not your own. Indeed, this is such a common problem in the world today as just about all of you have in one way or another made commitments based on fear — fear of no money, fear of no work, fear of being alone, fear of losing your home, fear of failing health, fear of failure, fear of success — the list goes on and on. And we don’t deny that your reasons for making the choices you made were not valid and comforting to you at the time you made them. But, you see, so many of your choices were made from a perspective that denied a vision of your uniqueness and your true purpose and your right to a fulfilling life, as most of your systems, including your education and your upbringing, steered you and trained you in the direction of decision-making by fear.
Nevertheless, Dear Ones, no matter what you have done in the past, no matter where you are starting from, if your motivation is to be who you are — and in doing so, to be the best version of yourself that you can be — when you do so with intention, sincerity and focus by aligning your heart and your mind with love, and by striving to be the most present, kind, open-minded, heart-centered, and thoughtful person you can be, and you bring this attitude and approach to every moment of your life, you will walk the highest path that you can walk. And you can be confident that no matter what you were taught in the past, or what decisions you made, whether they were made out of fear or otherwise, no matter what is currently unfolding around you, you are exactly where you are meant to be.
Do you see?
With no goal, no expectation, and no requirement to accomplish anything or to be anything other than the very best version of yourself that you can be, this alone will align you with your highest path, and will bring about the changes you desire on both a personal and a collective level.
Bless you, Dear Ones,
The Guardians (co-created with Mathew Hart)