Dear Ones,

We appreciate all the hopes you have for yourself and the world. We share those hopes, and are so very encouraged and excited because of the tremendous progress we see. Yes, it has been very slow. But over time, over centuries, we have seen this progress as an exponential rise in the amount of love emanating from the collective human heart.

Yes, Dear Ones, the Light is winning, Love is prevailing, and there is no doubt about where you are headed. You are on the precipice of enormous change for the betterment of all life. Yes, this change is upon you — right upon you, in your lifetime. Suffice to say, this is why we do not feel the frustration and the discouragement that you feel. We see the progress, Dear Ones. And the progress is phenomenal! And it’s owing to you, and to your hard work, and to the hard work of those of similar intention throughout the ages whose dedication and perseverance have brought us to this exciting point in time. And it is your continued intention, dedication and perseverance that will get us over the hump and into the Golden Age that we have all been waiting for, for so so long.

Bless you, Dear Ones. We love you dearly,

The Guardians (co-created with Mathew Hart)

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