In honor of the recent launch of 365 Moments of Grace — the book I collaborated on with 250 beautiful souls from around the world (a #1 bestseller in Canada and the U.S. on its first day of release!) — I’d like to share an example of how grace acts as a guiding force in my life. Well, errr, maybe actually a series of nine examples! 😉

It all started back in March of this year when I was blessed to channel another message from The Guardians. For me, any time I channel a message, I look upon that experience as a moment of grace. So, for the purposes of this story, I’m calling that Grace #1.

The very next day, The Guardian’s message was re-posted on a popular website called The Galactic Connection. That had never happened before, and I felt honored to have it shared there. So, I can’t help but look upon that blessing as Grace #2.

In the days that followed, because of the extra attention my blog received from The Galactic Connection, I received an interview offer from a BBS radio program called Universal Soul Love. Another great honor and Grace #3.

After the interview, a guest who shared time with me on the show — a healer from Australia named Susan Glynn — reached out via email to ask if I was aware of a healing modality called The Healing Code.

Well, not only had I never heard of it, but back in October, I was inexplicably stricken with a strange illness known as frozen shoulder, and I was still dealing with the painful effects when the BBS interview took place five months later (tho, I hadn’t mentioned a thing about the illness during or after the show). So, it was serendipitous that Susan reached out and introduced a new mode of healing without knowing that I needed help, or that I had been desperately trying all manner of modalities for the last five months. I call that Grace #4. Needless to say, I accepted the offer, and soon received a PDF file with instructions on what to do.

Now, this story could have ended there, but it didn’t.

By the time the PDF file arrived, I had been off work for six months. Or, as we sometimes say in the freelance world of film production — in-between jobs. Thus, I had ample time to practice The Healing Code. And, well, since time is a gift, I am calling that Grace #5.

Three days later, at my sister Annalene’s house for a healing session — Grace #6 — I happened to mention that I had been practicing something called The Healing Code. Much to my surprise, Anne responded by saying she was familiar with the name because it was the last book our dear mother had purchased before she passed away from cancer about a year earlier. (Mother had been living with Anne before she was admitted to palliative care.) Anne then went on to explain that, unfortunately, our mother had never had an opportunity to read the book before she made her transition (her decline happened so fast). However, the book was still sitting on mother’s bedside table!

Anne left the room and returned moment’s later with a book in her hands titled The Healing Code. Wow! Grace #7.

You know, grace is always amazing to me. But sometimes, it arrives in such a magical way, you just can’t help but smile — or get goosebumps!

Speaking of goosebumps, several days after my session with Anne, I set aside some time to begin reading the book. By this time, I had been practicing The Healing Code for about a week, and was now feeling skeptical about whether this modality was going to work.

For those who aren’t familiar, The Healing Code involves a sequence of prayer, followed by four specific hand positions (held for at least 30 seconds per position, and done three times each), accompanied by positive affirmations, and/or a positive mental image. Interestingly, the doctor who developed this modality, Dr. Alexander Loyd, PhD, describes in his book how he spontaneously received the hand positions and instructions in “a download from God” while traveling in an airplane in 2001. He then taught it to his wife and ended up witnessing her cure herself of debilitating, chronic depression after every other healing modality she had found and tried for several years had failed — and there were many!

That said, even though I needed no convincing about the power of prayer, or regarding the effectiveness of positive affirmations, as I began to read the book, I admit I was skeptical about the claims that Dr. Loyd made, and about the numerous unsolicited testimonials he shared that included cures from terminal cancers and many other illnesses. Nevertheless, I had been open-minded enough to give this modality a try in the first place, and now that the book had fallen into my hands, I soon became engrossed in its pages. A few hours later, ready for a break, I dog-eared the page (mid-chapter), then glanced to see what page I was at for the first time since I had started reading, and — goosebumps — I was at page 111!

No doubt, many of you will understand why I consider that moment to be Grace #8. For those who don’t, I will only say this: One of the three pieces I contributed to the book, 365 Moments of Grace is titled “Do You See 11:11?” as this magical wink from the Universe has been a wonderful part of my life since I first began to experience it back in 2005.

As for the final moment of grace in this story, it occurred a few days later, a few hours after I had resumed reading the book for the second time. I had just turned the page to begin a new chapter, and decided it was time for a break. Bending the corner of the page as I do, I glanced at the page number for the first time during that sitting and saw 239. Funny, as soon as I saw that number, my mind immediately chided me: “Nothing special about that!” Then, my eyes glanced down the page and saw what chapter I had reached — the first time I had noticed any of the chapter numbers during both reading sessions. Grace #9 — it was Chapter 11!

Believe it or not, that wasn’t the first time I had stopped reading a new and engrossing book precisely and magically at page 111, only to subsequently resume and stop randomly at Chapter 11. The one other time this occurred was ten years earlier when I read an interesting book called “The Search for 11:11” — a book that had come to me through a whole other series of amazing acts of grace. In fact, the experience of reading that book was so startling and magical to me at the time, I wrote about it here in a blog post I called, “The Search for 11:11 and Synchronicity.” I find it fascinating that ten years earlier, when I stopped at page 111 and then again at Chapter 11, doing so validated my intuitive feelings about the significance of the appearance of 1111, 111, and 11 (although there was much more magic and synchronicity connected to that story than just that). Now, all these years later, a similar occurrence validated my intuitive feelings about The Healing Code!!!

Incidentally, I have now been practicing The Healing Code modality for about a month or so. Is it working? Have I seen noticeable improvements to my health? The short answer is, I have experienced several more moments of grace, and have definitely seen some subtle improvements, though, not enough to form a conclusive opinion yet. In any event, I promised myself I would give it at least six weeks before I formed an opinion. And, well, I still have a few more weeks to go!


  Check out these recent posts from the 365 Moments of Grace Blog Tour:

July 1:   Janet Nestor

July 2:   Nathalie Dignard, Marianne Soucy, Elizabeth Kipp

July 3:   Teresa Salhi

  For several more true stories I’ve written about grace, see this link:

 Order the wonderful book, 365 Moments of Grace  here.

365 Grace book

Disclosure: As an Amazon Affiliate, if you use my posted Amazon link(s) to purchase a book, I will receive a small commission from that sale. 🙂

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4 thoughts on “Amazing Grace!”

  1. Love this! How wonderful to have some many graceful moments!
    I have also had a frozen shoulder and bursitis in my shoulders and I found that dry needling (similar to acupuncture) worked for me, as well as hot/cold packs, a willingness to heal, and prayer! I have tried The Healing Code myself for various aches and pains and for lifting my mood, and found it worked well for that.
    Best of luck, I really hope your shoulder heals very soon. It could help to do a meditation about lifting the burdens you carry consciously or subconsciously, lifting the weight of the world off your shoulders, releasing burdens and responsibility, and replacing with a joy and love for all of life’s experiences. All the best.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment, Fiona! Thankfully, the pain associated with my shoulder has finally abated. So, now it’s down to a matter of restricted range of motion. For that issue, I’m praying, meditating, and still practicing The Healing Code — and, it appears to be thawing!! I did have some acupuncture treatments early on when the pain was unrelenting, and moxibustion too, but I don’t believe my therapist used dry needling. I also tried chiropractics, and physio, and Bowen Therapy. When the pain refused to abate, I had the same thought about carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders and have been doing my best ever since to release, and surrender, and yes — to focus on joy and love for life! xo

      1. Mathewdhart, no matter what is happening with your shoulder and, indeed, any other place on your body, there is an Essential Oil for that… and they work! Also, some of the newly-available Cannabis sprays and salves and oils might be helpful for healing, certainly various products can make you more comfortable while the healing process proceeds. I use a spray for my “crunchy” arthritic neck and sacral area and they are very comforting. I also find that “cradling and crooning” helps me … I cradle the part that is “hurt” and humm or croon little stories of healing made up just for that specific part at that specific time. It helps me release tension, fear, scary thoughts and memories, “word curses” and probably interdimensionals, as well, because I BEcome on a higher frequency. The Essential Oils raise frequencies too, as well as healing physical/emotional/spiritual aspects. Good luck on your healing path; ask for Father’s Favor and a whole new world can open up for you. I know, because it did for me after I hurt myself very badly. Victory of the Light!!
        Rev. Allorrah Be, CAHt.
        Mobile Minister
        Circles of Light Ministries

        1. Thank you, Rev Allorah Be! My shoulder is no longer hurting, and seems to be beginning to loosen up! But, I appreciate the recommendation of essential oils. In fact, you are the second person who has recommended their use!
          Many blessings to you,

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