Greetings Dear Ones,

We observe your struggles and empathize with all that you are going through. This is not the first time in the evolution of a planet that such chaos and turmoil has arisen. This is the only way to learn about the beauty and devastation of separation that such a journey as yours brings about.

There is much good in the world, however, at the moment, all that can be seen is the discord and division and the polarity and differing of opinions. Mostly, you are all just floundering to grab hold of the nearest life raft when it would be better to let go and surrender to the current. There are forces in this realm that wish to see you hang on for dear life and slip under. But you must also know that there are forces that wish for your resurrection, your ascension, your rise to understanding, acceptance and trust of the Love that exists all around you.

This universe was birthed from that Love and can never truly extricate itself from that Love. It can pretend, and disguise, and mask the truth – the true nature of all that is – but it can never divorce itself from its source. You see, Love is all there truly is and all there truly will ever be. Embrace that understanding, and you will live with certainty that all is exactly as it is and was always meant to be. Fight against that understanding, and fear is born. Fear is the antithesis to Love.

Dear Ones, you are all on a blessed path to awakening. You have come so very far in what feels to us like a brief moment in time. Your victory is imminent. You have already won in our eyes. Currently, all that is seen are the vestiges of an old world; vestiges that are being thrown away, cast off, and discarded as they no longer serve the new world that is coming into being.

All around you there is evidence of this. But the greater story is the fear that has been created by a pandemic that appears to be spiraling out of control. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. Nothing is ever “out of control.” Love allows all forms of expression to reveal themselves – to exist, to arise in form – but Love is never absent from the equation. Love exists within every atom, every quark, and every quantum that arises. You may not see it, or even feel it, but Love is there, and is always a choice away. Choose Love, and its expression comes into form – always. This is the beauty and the magic of Love. It is always there, patiently waiting for a creator being – you humans – to bring it forth, to enact it, to enable it, to choose Love over fear.

This is exactly where you are all at as a global consciousness. You are at a point where fear is the easiest choice to enable. And all that comes from that choice is playing out right now on your world stage. But in the spaces in between, Love awaits. And many have been choosing this Love since the outset. Many are walking around, not in fear, but in a state of awe, wondering how so many could be so blind and unaware of the true nature of reality. Why live in a constant state of fear when Love is all around you and within you? This is baffling to those who are already in a state of wakefulness.

Dear Ones, we are not asking anyone to behave foolishly in the face of circumstances that are indeed life threatening. We ask that you all observe a measure of precaution and common sense, while at the same time, you know within your hearts that you are aligned with Love – the source of all that is. In this way, you will be alert and aware of all that is happening, and will not be hindered by fear and its power to distract and divert your attention away from the true essence of any situation.

By remaining alert and unmoved by the distractions of fear, you are always free to interpret your circumstances fully cognizant of the truest dangers and truest meaning behind any given event. This is all that we can ever hope for you all.

Be at peace, and trust in Love.

Yours always,

The Guardians

Image Credit: “The Magic of Love” by

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