Dear Ones,

If something feels off, it behooves you all to listen to whatever that sign or symptom is telling you. It is rarely helpful to simply plow on through with whatever you are attempting to accomplish in your life, with complete disregard for your well-being.

Yes, of course, there will always be exceptions where it is not possible or practical to immediately stop. But do intend to stop and do intend to take care of yourself as a top priority at all times. There is a lot to navigate in your world, and your bodies are a great indicator of hazards along your path. But remember, if your bodies are fueled poorly by eating low energy processed foods, they will be weakened and vulnerable to additional challenges. Similarly, your thoughts can weaken you too. Thus, if you carry around anger, hatred, envy, greed, jealously — you get the point — these states of mind will also weaken the body, and render it vulnerable to challenges. So, look after your emotional, mental, and physical hygiene as best you can, and be aware and sensitive to the best of your abilities, and you will all find that the rough edges of life will smooth out quite nicely.

We love you all, and wish to say how grateful we are for the opportunity to speak with you.

Bless you,

The Guardians (through Mathew Hart)

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