Dear Ones,

You may believe that the world of spirit attachment is black and white. But really, it is very grey. You see, it is possible to be influenced by earthbound beings and other energies without having those energies attached to you in the classical sense. In other words, they may not be nested in your etheric body as is the case with attachment. They could simply be close to you, in proximity to your etheric body, interested in what you are doing, and attracted by your energy signature. And by being in proximity to you, they could be affecting your moods, your thought processes, and your overall disposition. So, you see, spiritual, mental, and emotional hygiene, of which we recently discussed are always important for everyone.

Yes, Dear Ones, there are many different aspects to the unseen world that are unknown to you, and unknown to many, and as always, vigilance is important. Meaning, trust in divine love and intuition to guide you from within. And never forget what it feels like in your heart to be at peace, and to feel love towards yourselves and all life. Thus, when you feel otherwise, you can always make a choice to allow the disruptive thoughts, feelings and energies to persist by buying into what they are telling you, or you can acknowledge them for what they truly are — influence from energies that are incompatible with your true nature and understanding — make the necessary internal adjustments, and allow their influence to pass. We hope this has been helpful to you. We love you and are with you, and look forward to the day when your vibration is sufficiently high that no beings (earthbound or otherwise) will be able to interfere with your natural state of inner peace and with your desires.

All is well. All is One.

Bless you,

The Guardians (co-created with Mathew Hart)

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